Incident Type | Basic Information | Additional Information | Claim Report, Claim Diary & Investigation | Saving an Incident
Required fields are bordered in yellow and marked with an asterisk.
Incident Type
- Select Incident Track from the Applications menu in the navigation bar
- Under the Current Site selector in the top-left, choose the site that the involved employee is in
- Click the New button above the Incident table
- Select Work-Related Illness or Injury for Incident Type
- Select Yes for ‘Was the incident a near miss?’ only if no actual illness or injury resulted from the incident
- Select whether or not the incident qualifies as OSHA Recordable
- Select whether or not the incident resulted in an insurance claim and if so, which jurisdiction the claim occurred in
- Click Continue
- The above selections can be updated by selecting the Type link in the top-left
Basic Information
- If desired, Edit Company Information. The source of this information can be set on the Organization Settings page
- Enter the appropriate employee in the Employee Involved field
- If you are editing an incident in the primary site of your account, you can select the Site employee based to record an incident for any site in your account
- Enter a Short Description that will be visible in Incident Track reports and a full Description with further details
- choose the Date Incident Occurred
- If desired, enter specific location information in the Where section.
- This field is used in First Reports of Injury, but not OSHA reports
- Click Next to continue
Additional Information
The Additional Information tab lists information about the incident circumstances, the nature of the illness or injury, and treatment information. Attachments can also be uploaded in this tab.
- The Location within site field is used in OSHA reports
- Injury Timeline
- Select a Severity for the injury to expose the Injury Timeline
- Click the New button to enter an event in the timeline
- The Total days... fields will auto-populate as the timeline is completed
- You can also enter values directly into the Total fields to override the timeline. This is useful to estimate restricted or loss time when end dates are not yet known
Claim Report, Claim Diary & Investigation
Enter as much information as is known in the Claim Report, Claims Diary, and Investigation tabs. Click Next on each tab when ready to continue
- The Claim Report tab lists information required in the selected state’s First Report of Injury form and will only be present if the incident type has been indicated as a claim
- The Claims Diary tab lists information about the claim. Notes and expense information can be entered on this tab
- The Investigation tab lists witnesses of the incident as well as investigators and their findings including root causes and corrective actions to be taken
Saving an Incident
The Save tab will allow you to save the incident report and close the incident wizard. In addition, you can choose to:
- Close the claim: change the incident status in Incident Track
- Submit the claim: send the First Report of Injury to your carrier electronically
- You will only see this option if your host group has setup your company with claims reporting
- Distribute: send the basic incident report to the selected parties
- You will only see this option if you have set up a distribution list
Click Save & Close when finished.
- You will be presented with an option to download either the Incident Report or First Report of Injury form when saving & closing an incident